Revising the Deben Estuary Management Plan – Archived

7. Vision

The existing vision for the Deben Estuary is to:

  • safeguard the Deben Estuary from degradation by creating management partnerships of all the interested parties, particularly local communities, working together for future benefit
  • ensure that proactive estuary management, within the required legal framework, recognises and retains the character, tranquillity and special qualities of the area, balancing the many demands of wildlife, agriculture, recreation, tourism, business, access and the aspirations of local communities
  • deliver sustainable flood risk management, for those who live near, work on and visit the estuary; within timescales that recognise changing pressure on coastal landscapes and allow for environmental, social and economic adaptation when necessary

Q7. Do you consider that the existing vision for the Deben Estuary is still valid? If not, what changes need to be included in any revisions to the vision?

8. Flood risk management

This section will be reviewed and updated, ensuring it is aligned with national and local strategic policy. As out lined in the new Local Plan, Coastal Change Management Areas will be included and their impact on policy noted.

Objective – currently for the development of a sustainable, strategic approach to managing flood defence / flood risk to property, agricultural land and other assets around the estuary to 2030.


  • to co-ordinate sustainable flood risk management policies throughout the estuary
  • to acknowledge the cumulative cost of erosion and / or failed flood defence measures
  • to recognise the constraints on national funding for flood defence measures and the occasional necessity to consider local funding solutions
  • to balance the diverse demands that influence the delivery of flood defence measures – ie. community wellbeing, climate change, environmental character and condition, financial constraints.

Q8. Do you consider that the current objective and outcomes for flood risk management are still valid?  If not, what changes are needed?

9. Landscape and heritage

This section in the current Deben Estuary Management Plan will be reviewed.

The proposed landscape character assessment being undertaken by ESC will be taken into account.

Objective – currently to conserve the high quality landscape, natural environment, and heritage in the Deben Estuary and recognise that the estuary and surrounding countryside is an important environmental, social and economic asset which enhances the wider area.


  • to ensure conservation aims and projects contribute to safeguarding the landscape and character of the estuary
  • to recognise and value the special qualities of the riverscape, seascape and valley uplands as seen from the river
  • to support high standards for the built environment, ensure new build is sensitive to the estuary topography, is unobtrusive and sits comfortably within the riverscape
  • to safeguard the estuary landscape from the visual intrusion of new development, noise and light pollution
  • recognise the importance of and enhance green infrastructure networks

Q9. Do you consider that the current objective and outcomes for landscape and heritage are still valid? If not, what changes are needed?

10. Tranquility

Tranquillity has become an acknowledge factor included in Planning Policy Guidance.

Recognising and mapping areas of ‘Tranquillity’ was introduced to support the preparation of the first Deben Estuary Management Plan. Further research has been undertaken and additional information can support this concept.

Objective – currently importance is placed on recognising the value of the tranquil estuary landscape and seeking a balance between the benefits derived from this quiet and peaceful tranquillity with the growing requirement for recreation, visitor enjoyment and an inclusive, sustainable visitor economy.


  • to identify, value and retain undisturbed, tranquil areas of the estuary which provide a sense of peace and wellbeing
  • establish a balance between tranquillity and increased demand for public access

Q10. Do you consider that the current objective and outcomes for tranquillity are still valid and necessary? If not, what changes are needed?

11. Environment, biodiversity and geodiversity

This section in the current Deben Estuary Management Plan will need to be reviewed and updated to ensure issues and objectives are aligned with new national and local policy guidance.  This will include recognising the impact of Nature Recovery Strategies, Nature Recovery Networks and Biodiversity Net Gain as set out in the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan.

Objectives – currently to recognise, strengthen and enhance the habitats and biodiversity of the estuary and its hinterland, ensuring that any adverse impact on designated estuarine sites and the adjacent hinterland is minimal and answered by appropriate compensation and mitigation.


  • to facilitate and support the sustained conservation and enhancement of a distinctive and valued estuary environment, important for both wildlife and the wellbeing of residents and visitors
  • to encourage the conservation of networks of biodiversity. Monitor / note the impact of climate change on the estuary environment.

Q11. Do you consider that the objectives and outcomes for the environment, biodiversity and geodiversity in the current Deben Estuary Management Plan are still valid and effective? Do you consider that the level of protection given to locally designated areas of biodiversity is appropriate and sustainable ? If not, what changes are needed ?

12. Saltmarsh, mudflats

This section will be updated to reflect increased knowledge of the role saltmarsh plays as a valuable natural capital asset, important coastal habitat and effective element in flood risk management.

Objectives – currently to recognise saltmarsh as a significant environmental asset, juvenile fish habitat, important element of flood defence and a contributor to carbon sequestration. Promote the benefits of management and, where appropriate, restoration and creation of salt marsh in the Deben Estuary; research causes of saltmarsh deterioration.


  • to encourage projects to restore and regenerate intertidal saltmarsh wherever that is achievable and of benefit.
  • to facilitate an estuary wide, integrated approach to the use of dredged silt to recharge degraded saltmarsh as part of an ongoing saltmarsh management strategy which will deliver benefits for flood risk management, marine business and access to moorings, as well as biodiversity.
  • recommend that saltmarsh initiatives are accompanied by an ongoing monitoring and maintenance programme.

Take a natural capital approach when evaluating saltmarsh as an asset

Q12. Do you consider that the current objective and outcomes for the management and restoration of saltmarsh are still valid, appropriate and deliverable?

13. Land and freshwater management

Objectives – currently freshwater management policies are required to ensure that there is adequate water to meet human needs, deliver a sustainable local agricultural economy and secure a healthy environment.


  • to ensure good management of all water resources in order to meet human needs, maintain the environment and sustain, via irrigation, nationally important agricultural acreage both within the estuary and on uplands above the valley
  • to recognise that climate change may influence agricultural catchment abstraction strategies and therefore impact on irrigation and cropping viability
  • to encourage the capture and reuse of excess freshwater
  • promote whole river catchment area management able to conserve and store winter water and provide more sustainable reserves for use during periods of drought. 
  • to take opportunities to improve water quality within the Estuary or reverse any decline
  • promote the importance of good water quality to sustain marine biodiversity, support fisheries and allow for the safe use of the river for recreation
  • recognise sources of pollutants and foster action to eliminate, limit and mitigate their effect
  • monitor / note the natural capital value and impact of climate change- particularly on increasing UV / temperatures and the attendant increase in algal growth

Q13. Do you consider that the objective and outcomes for land and freshwater management in the current Deben Estuary Management Plan are still valid and adequate? If not, what changes are needed?

14. Sustainable estuary economy: agriculture, marine business and tourism

This section must be reviewed to take into consideration changes in national policy and local farming practice.

Several national policy measures will impact agriculture within the Deben Estuary. These include the Agriculture Bill, Environment Bill and Environment Land Management scheme being developed as a replacement for the current CAP system.

Objectives – currently to recognise the importance of the agricultural, marine, tourism and leisure sectors which underpin a sustainable estuary economy.  Recognise the importance of sustainable flood defence measures that protect estuary businesses, agricultural land and fresh water resources. 


  • to foster a sustainable and viable local economy, with particular emphasis on the agricultural, marine and tourism sectors
  • support appropriate agri-environment schemes and developing marine fisheries
  • encourage an integrated approach to the use of dredging, facilitating the use of quays and moorings by marine business and the replenishment of saltmarsh
  • advocate sustainable tourism that is compatible with and complements the character of the Deben Estuary
  • support appropriate visitor management to ensure the benefit derived from tourism and attendant development does not compromise the landscape and wildlife assets which exemplify the distinctive and special qualities of the Deben Estuary

Q14. Do you consider that the outcomes for supporting a sustainable economy in the current Deben Estuary Management Plan are appropriate and go far enough? If changes are needed to ensure the future sustainability of any sector of the local, estuary economy what should they be?

15. Access and recreation

This section will need to be updated in the light of increased housing development, growth in the local visitor economy, changes to Local Government recreational policies and the introduction of the new England Coast Path

Objectives – currently to manage responsible access to the estuary, enhancing the quality of people’s enjoyment of the area while averting harm to, and mitigating against degradation of the estuary environment.  Balancing the benefits derived from the quiet and tranquil areas of the estuary with the growing need for recreation.


  • to support appropriate access to the estuary area for all – including maintaining the network of paths and access points which allow residents and visitors to enjoy the estuary while recognising, limiting and mitigating against any negative impact that increasing numbers of people could have on a special environment
  • encourage sustainable travel options, promoting the provision of a footferry service at key locations
  • recognise the benefits to walkers and cyclists of a network of footpaths and Quiet Lanes
  • advocate maintenance of a navigation channel and clearly marked fairways up to Wilford Bridge

Q15. Do you consider that the current objective and outcomes for access and recreation in the current Deben Estuary Management Plan will meet changing demand and patterns of use? If not, what changes are needed?

16. Disturbance mitigation

This section will have regard to the new Suffolk Recreational Avoidance Mitigation Strategy (RAMS).

Objectives – currently to manage responsible access to the estuary, enhancing the quality of people’s enjoyment of the area but averting harm to, and mitigating against degradation of the estuary environment.


  • to minimise and mitigate pressure on and disturbance of the environment within the estuary area
  • to limit noise and light pollution when and wherever possible
  • promote a range of appropriate and site-specific mitigation measures

Q16. Do you consider that the current objective to limit and mitigate disturbance is appropriate ? If not what changes or extra measures are needed?

17. Flood and emergency resilience

This section may need reviewing to ensure that it is in line with current flood and emergency planning guidance.

Objectives – currently to develop emergency planning that safeguards communities, homes and businesses at risk from flooding.


  • to encourage communities to recognise risk from flooding
  • to ensure that adequate measures are in place which will help to keep residents safe and protect properties and riverside businesses

Q17. Do you consider that the objectives and outcomes for Flood and Emergency Planning in the current Deben Estuary Management Plan is still valid? If not, what changes are needed?

18. Monitoring

19. Recording role of ‘citizen science’

Citizen science can be defined as ‘the collection and analysis of data relating to the natural world by the general public, often as part of acollaborative project with professional scientists. Citizen Science is playing a bigger role in project development and delivery as communities learn and understand more about the environment around them.

This section will be reviewed with reference the:

  • exploration / research data examining and informing issues affecting the Deben Estuary
  • data drawn from ongoing monitoring programmes involving community representatives working with scientists

Q18. Which issues should be included in an ongoing monitoring programme of the Deben Estuary?

Q19. Are you interested in participating in Citizen Science research to support the preparation, implementation and monitoring for the Deben Estuary Management Plan?

20. Implementation, finance


Which issues should be included in an ongoing monitoring programme of the Deben Estuary? Are you interested in participating in Citizen Science research to support the preparation, implementation and monitoring Deben Estuary Management Plan?

There are several appendices in the current Deben Estuary Management Plan that will need to be reviewed and updated in light of the new Suffolk Coastal Local Plan. Present appendices include an appropriate extract from the Shoreline Management Plan, Jetty guidelines, Residential Boats – guidelines, Enabling Development guidelines and River Users Code

Q20. Are these appendices still relevant? Are there are any other guides that should be included in the Appendices in the updated Deben Estuary Management Plan?

Please submit your responses via the online form or download and complete the scoping document.