Research activities in the Deben

Ongoing Work

Past research projects with DEP involvement

2018-2020 Suffolk Marine Pioneer

2018 Healthy Estuaries 2020: An Assessment of Estuary Morphological Equilibrium (NECR250) – Natural England

2017 Deben Estuary SSSI Survey

2015 Environment Agency – Modelling decision support framework (MDSF2) for flood risk management strategies

  • Flikweert J, Sayers P, Stevens R (2015) Modelling decision support framework (MDSF2) for flood risk management strategies. Report to the Environment Agency, SC120062/R, 65pp. ISBN 978-1-84911-356-4.

2012-2016 iCOASST: Integrated Coastal Sediment Systems

  • Burningham H, French JR (2017) Understanding coastal change using shoreline trend analysis supported by cluster-based segmentation. Geomorphology, 282, 131-149.
  • Karunarathna H, Horrillo-Caraballo JM, Burningham H, Pan S, Reeve DE (2016) Two-dimensional reduced-physics model to describe historic morphodynamic behaviour of an estuary inlet, Marine Geology, 382, 200209.
  • Thornhill G, French JR, Burningham H (2015) ESTEEM – A new ‘hybrid complexity’ model for simulating estuary morphological evolution at decadal to centennial scales. Coastal Sediments 2015 (Proceedings of). ISBN: 978-981-4689-96-0
  • Van Maanen B, Walkden MJA, Nicholls RJ (2015) Modelling inlet dynamics to explore coupled system behaviour over decadal scales. Coastal Sediments 2015 (Proceedings of). ISBN: 978-981-4689-96-0

Other research publications

  • Austin GE, Rehfisch MM (2003) The likely impact of sea level rise on waders (Charadrii) wintering on estuaries. Journal for Nature Conservation11(1), 43-58.
  • Burningham H, French JR (2006) Morphodynamic behaviour of a mixed sand-gravel ebb-tidal delta: Deben estuary, Suffolk, UK. Marine Geology 225(1-4), 23-44.
  • Burningham H, French JR (2007) Morphodynamics and sedimentology of mixed-sediment inlets. Journal of Coastal Research SI50, 710-715.
  • Frostick LE, McCave IN (1979) Seasonal shifts of sediment within an estuary mediated by algal growth. Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science9(5), 569-576.
  • Griffiths D, Burningham H (2018) Comparison of pre-and self-calibrated camera calibration models for UAS-derived nadir imagery for a SfM application. Progress in Physical Geography.
  • Nedwell DB, Sage AS, Underwood GJC (2002) Rapid assessment of macro algal cover on intertidal sediments in a nutrified estuary. Science of the Total Environment285(1-3), 97-105.
  • Reeve DE, Karunarathna H (2009) On the prediction of long-term morphodynamic response of estuarine systems to sea level rise and human interference. Continental Shelf Research29(7), 938-950.
  • Yin Y, Karunarathna H, Reeve DE (2019) Numerical modelling of hydrodynamic and morphodynamic response of a meso-tidal estuary inlet to the impacts of global climate variabilities. Marine Geology407, 229-247.