Introduction to the new DEP Exec – 10 July 2023

At the Steering Group meeting of 26 June 2023, it was recognised by all present that the continued absence of the current Chair left the organisation largely directionless. So an Interim Chair and Vice Chair were appointed to lead the work for now, and they would be be confirmed or replaced at the next General Meeting, which will take place in September 2023.

Thomas Yeung – Interim Chair: Thomas has extensive experience in environmental consultancy, most recently as part of Coastal Partnership East. He is an enthusiastic sailor and Vice-Commodore of the Deben Yacht Club.

Colin Nicholson – Interim Vice Chair: Colin brings professional experience of information management and governance to the DEP and is the Co-Chair of the River Deben Association.

Dee McLeavy – Administrator: Having worked on the DEFRA Marine Pioneer Project and coordinated Going with the Flow/Tides and the Deben Estuary for Woodbridge Riverside Trust, Dee brings much experience of community engagement projects to the organisation.

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