DEP at Suffolk Coast Forum – 16 November 2023

The Suffolk Coast Forum ‘takes a partnership approach to flood and coastal erosion risk management on the coast and estuaries and closely related issues in the context of an Integrated Coastal Zone Management approach’ The partner organisations include: Alde & Ore Community Partnership; Stour & Orwell Estuaries Management Group; Bawdsey Coastal Partnership; Blythe Estuary Partnership; and the Deben Estuary Partnership. Other member organisations include: Environment Agency, Natural England; Suffolk Coasts and Heaths AONB; Coastal Partnership East; Marine Management Organisation; and others. The Forum is chaired by Councillor David Bevan.

DEP invited to Anglian Water Q&A meeting – 14 November 2023

Following twelve months of river water sampling, Anglian Water will be holding a ‘Question and Answer’ session to share a summary of the year’s findings and how they propose using that data to propel any actions needed at their own treatment works and other parts of the Anglian Water networks.

The DEP, as well as other local stakeholders, has been invited to this meeting, which will take place on 14 November 2023 at the Kings Head, Woodbridge, starting at 11am.