Revising the Deben Estuary Management Plan – Archived

Overarching Estuary Policy Areas

5. Climate change

Climate change is referred to in the current Deben Estuary Management Plan but not translated into policy. This section will need to be developed.

The objective is to recognise and monitor change within the estuary.  Consider evidence of a wide range of climate-driven impacts, including sea level rise, high water ( tide and surge ) levels and wave conditions throughout the estuary, coastal squeeze and ongoing loss and degradation of intertidal habitat. Consider water quality issues, reserves and salination with the associated impacts on fresh and salt-water wetland environments.


  • to deliver sustainable flood risk management and sustain the contribution the estuary area makes to the local environment and economy
  • to recognise and prepare to mitigate or adapt to the impact of climate change on the special landscape and environmental qualities of the estuary

Q5. Do you think that the likely impact of climate change should be considered?  Please identify any areas where climate change may be of particular significance.

6. Natural capital and ecosystem services

Natural Capital is a broad term that includes components of both the living and non-living natural environment as well as processes and functions that link them together. It denotes those elements of nature which directly or indirectly generate value to people, contribute to the health and wellbeing of individuals and affect the local economy.

The Deben Estuary is rich in Natural Capital and recent research undertaken as part of the Marine Pioneer Project has helped improve understanding about the Natural Capital assets of the Deben Estuary, the value and services these assets provide and why we need to conserve them.

Natural Capital cuts across all areas considered in the Deben Estuary Management Plan.  The Objective is to recognise and highlight Natural Capital elements within the estuary area.


  • to use awareness of natural capital to inform policy and improve sustainable decision making
  • to use assessment of Natural Capital within the estuary to provide ecosystem service measures against which funding may be justified

Q6.   Do you agree with the proposal to include a new section about Natural Capital?    If yes, what objectives and outcomes for Natural Capital should be included in the revised Deben Estuary Management Plan?

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