The Deben Estuary Plan (April 2015) – Archived

The Deben Estuary Plan represents an awareness that the effectiveness of any management strategy relies upon a willingness to embrace the principle of an integrated system. For the Deben estuary, this involves recognition of the need to reconcile the continued wellbeing of the river, valley, estuary, and coast, the interests of the communities for whom it has a core value, and the ecological integrity of this unique estuarine environment.

The full Deben Estuary Plan can be accessed as a single file here or in sections below:

The Deben Estuary Plan

  1. Preface – A management plan for a whole river system
  2. Introduction
  3. Vision – the future of the Deben Estuary
  4. Flood defence management
  5. Landscape and heritage; Tranquility
  6. Environment, Biodiversity and geodiversity; Saltmarsh
  7. Sustainable estuary economy; Agriculture; Marine business; Dredging; Fisheries; Tourism
  8. Land and freshwater management
  9. Access and recreation; Disturbance and mitigation
  10. Flood and emergency resilience
  11. Implementation; Finance; Monitoring; Governance
  12. Appendices

Additional documents referred to in the plan or that contributed to the development of the plan include:

Andrew Hawes – Flood Cell Survivability Report

EA Deben Estuary Plan – Technical Report

EA Geomatics – Deben Estuary Saltmarsh Re-Mapping and Change Analysis 2011-2013

Reid C 2013 Possible Causes of Saltmarsh Erosion with reference to the Deben Estuary

Robert Simper – Recent History of Changes to the Saltmarshes of the River Deben

Excell A, O’Mahony K 2013 The River Deben Estuary Ornithological Importance and Status for Waterbirds The Deben Estuary and its Hinterland

Mason N, Excell A, Meyer J 2014 Evaluation of Key Areas for Birds, Recreational Disturbance Issues and Opportunities for Mitigation and Enhancement

Deben Estuary Partnership Environment, Landscape and Archaeology Report April (2013)

River Deben Association – Review of River Users – Summer 2013

The Crown Estate – Association of River Deben Fairway Committees – Position Statement – June 2014